This is about my knitting successes... and failures

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Can I offer you a drink?

I'm excited about the flight attendant job. I probably won't get it, but it was a good experience to have none the less. The only "interview" part of our interview was when they took 12 of us in a room and asked us a question. One question, 12 people, no prescribed order, and 5 people listening. I went kinda in the middle of the group. Other than that; fingerprints, pee test, reaching for a line 6'3" up on a wall, sitting in a jump seat, ice breaker, and Q&A. I'll know by monday...good luck me! If I do get it I have to decide between that and school.


Blogger schrodinger said...

I just wanted to say good luck, I hope you hear the news you want on Monday.

12:45 PM


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