This is about my knitting successes... and failures

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

grey squirrel, grey squirrel, swish your bushy tail...

So, Lisa and I are watching CSI:NY being boring. She points to a dark spot on the wall and says, "What do you think that is? It keeps getting darker..." Of course we must investigate...

It's a hole about the size of a baby carrot. A fuzzy hole. A hole with a squirrel in it!

For the past few weeks there's been scratchy noises, but I assumed it was the neighbors doing something. No. A squirrel!

a squirrel....

Friday, January 26, 2007

knitting takes balls...

For Boxing Day (I had to work on Christmas...) my sister gave me Knitting With Balls, a book her friend wrote for guy knitters and those who want to knit for guys. My guy is pretty simple, a few knit hats and he's pleased as punch, so I decided to make something for me. Since I had such success with the baby sweater I thought, why not?, so I'm having a go at a full sized one. And it's taking forever....
I'm using Blue Sky Alpacas melange color 805, so hopefully no mistakes (or this will be one pricey screw up!).

I'll keep everyone updated.